For hundreds of centuries now, the traditional physical and mental disciplines of yoga, which originated from
If you have not already tried it yourself, you may have seen yoga classes where students are crouched in these odd positions – which help them meditate, revitalize the body and clear the mind.
But what if you are pregnant? Is there a way for you to do yogic exercises despite a protruding belly? Will yoga help you keep fit during pregnancy? Will the exercise also benefit the baby?
The Benefits of Yoga for Pregnant Women
Let's address the aforementioned questions one at a time.
First, yes – there is a way for you to do yogic exercise even while you are pregnant. In fact, yoga is one of the best ways to keep fit during those crucial months that you are carrying another human being in your womb.
These are the benefits that pregnant women will get to enjoy when practicing yoga:
- Since yoga is a practice which harmonizes the body, mind and spirit – doing the exercises while you are pregnant will make you more aware of your body.
- Yoga helps release the stress and relieves those hormonal imbalances that pregnant women often experience.
- The cat pose, in particular, will help ease the tension in your heavy shoulders, stomach and breasts.
- When you do the breathing exercises associated with yoga, it can help reduce your blood pressure, heart rate and muscle tension.
Did you know that even your baby can benefit from yoga? What the series of exercises does is to increase the oxygen and endorphins which gently "massages" the baby from within. Also, as long as the mother is relaxed, fit and healthy – the baby will experience health benefits from these, too.
Are There Any Disadvantages to Yoga for Pregnant Women?
There is just one word of caution that you should observe. After twenty weeks of gestation, the more complicated supine poses and full inversion poses are not recommended anymore.
More importantly, you should always get first the approval of your doctor before practicing yoga while pregnant.
All in all, the benefits that pregnant mothers can get to enjoy while practicing yoga are enormous. Not only will you develop a deeper awareness of your body as a whole – but the physical exercises will make you more fit during pregnancy.
Moreover, the mental and breathing exercises will soothe and calm your nerves, making your pregnancy a richer and more pleasurable experience both for you and your baby.
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